Friday 22 July 2011

Angkor Wat

We made it to Angkor Wat by dawn, cycling our way in the pitch dark and managing not to fall down any pot holes. As the dawn light slowly etched out the landscape we saw that probably about 30 tourist buses had beaten us to it. By the time we entered the Wat grounds, the people were clustered along every vantage point like pigeons on handy ledges.

There wasn't much chance of getting the classic Angkor Wat picture for the calendar, so we wandered around a little later as dawn gave way to a rich morning light. After enjoying the last of the dawn at the East Gate, we returned through the Wat itself, when I spotted this unusual angle.

Later on we managed to very much upset a small child by buying a Coke from another small child when he felt he had prior claim. Let's hope we haven't started some sort of gang war amongst the 8 year olds.